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Whether you're a seasoned homesteader or just starting out on your self-sufficient journey, this Discord community is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for sustainable living, organic gardening, raising livestock, DIY projects, and more.

Join us to swap tips, share successes (and failures!), ask questions, and support one another on our homesteading adventures. Whether you're seeking advice on building a chicken coop, preserving your harvest, or simply want to chat about the joys and challenges of rural life, you'll find a warm and welcoming community here.


Let's cultivate a space where we can learn from each other, celebrate our achievements, and foster a deeper connection to the land. Come on in and make yourself at home among fellow homesteaders!"


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What is Discord?


Discord is a chat platform where you can join communities, chat in real-time via text or voice, and connect with others who share your interests. It's flexible, accessible on various devices, and great for building communities around shared hobbies or topics.

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Madison Heights, VA 24572


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